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Statement of intent


At Minterne Juniors, we recognise the contribution of PE to the health and well-being of the children. We believe that an innovative, varied PE curriculum and extra-curriculum opportunities have a positive influence on the concentration, attitude and academic achievement of all our children. 


Our Primary Schools Sports Funding will enable us to continue to extend our provision through purchasing new and improved equipment to use within our school, entering more teams into competitive sports competitions and training our staff to deliver in-house quality PE sessions. We are committed to promoting and maintaining high standards and safe practice in all aspects and at all levels of physical education. 


What is taught at Minterne

Key skills are developed in specific games and sports throughout the years. The children also take part in indoor lessons, which consist of dance and gymnastics units. Here the children have the chance to develop their creative skills, whilst continually improving their balance, strength, coordination and agility.

The areas covered in the P.E curriculum for Key Stage 2 include:

  • Invasion games – football, netball, rugby, hockey.
  • Striking and fielding games – cricket, rounders.
  • Net and ball games – tennis, volleyball.
  • Outdoor and adventurous activities.
  • Athletics.
  • Gymnastics.


  • Dance.
  • Swimming 

Each year builds on skills from previous years and assessments are in place to support those who need additional support and to extend the learning of those that are confident with the key skills and concepts. All children receive at least two hours of physical education a week. These lessons are delivered either by class teachers or a specialist PE coach, who has expert knowledge and is extensively trained in the areas of the curriculum they teach.



Extra-curricular Clubs and Competitions

We offer a wide and varied extra-curricular clubs for pupils across the school. Many pupils are regularly involved in a sporting club/activity either after school or at lunchtimes. These include a variety of activities such as football, hockey, netball, handball, multi-skills and basketball to name a few.

School teams are also encouraged and compete against other schools around the local area. There is also the opportunity to be involved in non-competitive competitions with other schools such as multi-skills and judo.


