Welcome to Term 1 at Minterne and we are so pleased with the way that our new year 3 children have been able to settle and adjust to school life at Minterne, after being away from school for so long.
In our Rock of Ages history topic, we have been wondering how we would survive The Stone Age. We take a look at neolithic artefacts, Stonehenge and Skara Brae to help us reflect and think about what life was like. We are really looking forward to Bushcraft Day at the end of term - fingers crossed for the weather.
Soil Rocks! is our Science topic and we are looking at what is beneath our feet. The children have looked at a range of sedimentary, metamorphic and igneous rocks and we have compared their different properties, such as durability.
In English we are studying the film Early Man, which links with our Stone Age topic and is very popular with the children. It is perfect to help inspire the children with their writing.
Our topic in Maths is Place Value, and we have been working on adding or subtracting 1, 10 and 100 from a number, ordering numbers in ascending and descending order and looking at number lines. Children sit Times Tables tests on a Friday and we would greatly appreciate your support in helping them to learn these fluently.
In RE we are looking at Modern Christianity and looking at what it means to be a Christian in Britain today.
Our PSCHE lessons this term are focused on Relationships (Myself & Others). We will be looking at Families and Friendships, Safe Relationships and Respecting Ourselves and Others.
PE has consisted of circuits, invasion games - football and yoga and dance.